Our Home

Thursday, July 25, 2013
Hidden Valley RV Resort, Milton, WI
Wednesday, 17th, We drove down to Elvaston, Il to visit Sarah's aunt Helen, we had a very nice visit with her. She still lives in her own home but does have help come in each day to cook, clean, etc.
On our way home we stopped at two cemeteries, where Sarah’s folks are buried and the one where her sister Alice and husband Frank are buried. We had flowers for each grave and Sarah made them look nice. We always put flowers on the graves even though I am positive we could go back and the flowers will be gone, people go out and steal these artificial flowers to make other decorations with them, they don’t want to spend the money buy their own. Oh well if a person is that desperate I am happy to help them.
Thursday, we drove to Peoria IL to see Sarah’s brother Bob and his wife Judi. Bob called us and said he was going to the hospital to get a pint of blood; he needs this ever so often. We told him not to worry we would go by the house and get Judi, we did. He was in Proctor Hospital in Peoria. So no one misses out we did eat lunch there in the snack bar and it was very good. We had a great visit with Bob & Judi; we even got to see their garden which was bigger than anything I would want to tend to.
On our way home we called my brother Larry to see if they were home they were and we did. We had a nice visit but again I was hungry, I get hungry at least once a day. So Larry, Kathy, Sarah and I headed off to Applebee’s. (This is Burlington, IA there are not a lot of home spun eateries in town)
Friday was a trip to North Liberty, IA to visit Carl & Merilee. Carl had eye surgery a couple weeks ago for something in the eye that was detached and they had to drain the fluid from the eyeball and put in a balloon to hold everything in place until it all heals. Talked with him today and all is healing well.
Saturday was a trip to Burlington to visit my aunt’s Millie & Marcella, but first it we visited two cemeteries, the first is where my daughter Shayla is buried and the second was for my folks and sister and grandmother are buried, again we put flowers on the graves and they looked nice when we were done. Then I went looking for my mom’s dad’s grave, I didn’t find it but I found my dad’s mom’s grave and her parents grave sites. Then it was off to visit my aunts. We told them we would get lunch, they are both in their 80’s and don’t go out anymore than necessary. They had a coupon for Happy Joe’s Pizza so that is what we had for lunch. We had a great visit with them. We then went over to Larry & Kathy’s visited more and Kathy fixed dinner, it was very good.
Sunday we went to church in Mt Pleasant and spent the rest of the day at the camper. For dinner Sarah made a crock pot of green beans, ham, onion and little red potatoes, one of my favorite dishes. We went to the clubhouse and Dave & Sheri and some friends of theirs, Waverly & Delores joined us. We had a great time visiting and enjoying some good food with homemade ice cream, thanks Dave for slaving over the ice cream maker.
Monday, Larry & Kathy came out to the park; Dave said he heard of a good restaurant in Lockridge, IA, Four Corners Restaurant. So we took off to find this place, they are open for lunch only except for Fri & Sat nights. Well let me tell you the food is great. If you go away hungry it is your own fault.
Tuesday, Sarah and I went into Burlington to visit Joe Fleming, long time friend and HS classmate. Other than a few ailments Joe is the same as he has always been, ornery and a great sense of humor. Actually I got to see two classmates that day as Joe married Patty forty some years ago, congratulations, I don’t remember the exact number of years but Patty bless you. The time went by to fast we will see you next summer. Tuesday night Dave grilled steaks for Ron & Vi, friends from Burlington. Dave you are a master griller. I have never had a steak cooked as well as you cooked them. We had a great time visiting and having a few drinks; I didn’t drink much because we're leaving the next morning.
Wednesday we were rolling down the road about 8:30 am, other that I80 being busier than I have ever remember it being we had an uneventful trip and pulled into Hidden Valley RV Resort in Milton, WI about two that afternoon. We were able to watch Mason, grandson, play baseball last night, played in two games and finished a lightening delayed game. He was asked to play for a team one step above his level, he catches for them. I was very proud of the job he did for his age he is playing very well and does a great job in the catching position. We get to watch Madyson, granddaughter, play tonight.
Another classmate and long time friend Mark Steingraber had a heart attack last Saturday. His wife, Beth, took him straight to the hospital when he began complaining of severe pain radiating across his chest and down his arms. Some call it luck I prefer Divine Intervention, our guardian angel putting in overtime, when Mark and Beth got to the emergency room a cardiologist was on call and diagnosed the problem immediately and Mark was taken into surgery to have the problem taken care of immediately. As if that wasn’t enough they found a brain aneurism. He was sent to University Hospitals in Iowa City and they were able to fix the problem. I talked to him this morning and he is doing well. Again a beautiful angel, Beth, looks after him. We are here for the next five weeks or so, we will leave for Omaha on Labor Day.
Until then, Dreams Do Come True
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
On the Move
We left Gretna yesterday and traveled 281miles east to Crossroads RV Park, Mt Pleasant, IA. We were orphans until Dave & Sheri said there was space at their park; they are the camp hosts and long time friends. The KOA is full the rest of the summer and so we needed to find a place to stay until we can get into the park we are going to in WI on the 24th.
Crossroads is a very nice park, great for overnights or longer term if you are exploring SE Iowa. The free WIFI is the best we have seen in a long time.
We had a great time in Omaha, it was good to be with the kids, they are growing so fast. In a week we will get to see Mason & Madyson and in Oct we will see Alexa, life is good.
Sarah is doing better each day, her hair is growing and she is giving me suggestions each day, she isn’t telling me what to do she suggests it. I love seeing her getting better each day. She has doctor visits the first of Oct so we find out then if all the cancer is gone.
The townhouse has finally been started or at least the cement work. They have poured the footings and hopefully will start framing this week or next. Either way we aren’t moving into it this year, if fact the closing may have to take place without us being present.
Monday was my last day driving for Enterprise until Sept. I enjoyed the work; it really wasn’t much work it was more a time consuming hobby. Driving is not work to me I enjoy it too much but it was nice to have the little bit of income it produced. It is always nice to get paid for doing something you enjoy. Since leaving Ruan I haven’t really enjoyed anything I did that much. I miss the people more than the jobs. It is difficult to find something you have a passion for doing and be paid for it as well; I never found that, I suppose my jobs at Ruan come as close to filling that passion as any. Although I did enjoy driving OTR buses.
Oh well, I am old now and I guess my new found passion is making sure I wake up each morning and I don’t believe we have a whole lot of control over that.
That’s it for now. Remember Dreams Do Come True
Monday, July 1, 2013
West Omaha KOA, Gretna, NE
Have you missed me? I have been remiss in my posting so I better get caught up.
Most important is Sarah is doing GREAT. She is beginning to tell me to bug off, so I know she is feeling better.
We have met with our friends Cindi & John Cline, we worked with them in Mesa a couple of years ago, had lunch at Tanner’s Bar & Grille, it was a nice place and the food was good.
Got myself signed into the VA in Omaha, I need to get a physical before we head south and so I can get my prescriptions set for the next year. I was amazed at the size of the place, it will take a bit of wandering and asking questions to find my way around the place.
Merilee stopped by to see Rusty, their son he is an OR nurse at the Univ of Omaha Medical Center. We had dinner with them at Mimi’s restaurant.
We went to Wisconsin to see Robert, Sarah Ann, Mason & Madyson. We left here on June 21, Sarah had an appointment with the radiologist in Des Moines and we met Cynthia for lunch before heading on. Our purpose for the trip was to watch Madyson in a dance recital. I must admit I was apprehensive about sitting there for two or more hours but it was fun watching everyone and especially Madyson, she is very good. The other purpose for the trip was to watch Mason play baseball. He has really improved since last year, he played second base and the outfield this time and did well at both positions.
He is switching over to the catcher position, his dad played that position, so when we go back later this month I will get to see him catch. I am looking forward to that.
We stopped for the night at Carl & Merilee’s, waited up until Carl got home from work at midnight or there abouts. The next morning we all went for breakfast and then we headed west.
Sarah’s big day was Sunday, her birthday. We celebrated with Daniel, his birthday is Jul 2. He and I went to Costco and bought some ribs he wanted to try out his new smoker, the ribs were great. We had a house full, Marie, and the kids, Emily, Isabel and Eli, also Ernie & Shirley, my aunt & uncle, Eddie & Elia, Marie’s parents and Rusty. Marie thank you for letting us all invade your house.
Today I cleaned the car and exercised the truck. Now I am going to read for a while.
One more thing, as most of you know I drive for Enterprise car rental, shuttleing cars to dealers and branch offices etc. One day last week we were returning from Des Moines and stopped at the rest area, IA mile marker 20 and I saw this sign
Now does anyone believe a sign was necessary, well maybe for some people. We stopped there again and a new urinal was installed, but come on…really a sign?
Dreams Do Come True