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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Blog Update 08/26/2017

I saw my oncologist, Dr Ganti, last Tuesday and had a CT scan from the head to the hips. Received good and bad news from Dr Ganti. The bad news is the cancer is growing, I have had a lot more pain in my abdomen than usual, he said this was the lymph nodes getting bigger, so the current cancer medicine isn’t doing the job anymore. The good news is he has two other treatments he wants to try. So, we will see how that all pans out.

Tuesday, I still am having surgery on my right arm. It was schedule for a 5:30 am check in and surgery at 7:30 but for now has been changed to a 10:00 am check in and surgery at 11:30, all subject to change. I will be glad to get the surgery done and eventually use my arm again.

I believe God will show Dr Ganti the right treatment to use and that the surgery will be a success but I can use all the prayers I can get. So please pray for me.

That’s all for now

God’s Blessing to all.

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