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Friday, February 17, 2017

Blog Update 02/17/17

Our time here in Mesa is coming to an end. We arrived at the Goodlife RV Resort on January 1 and have for the most part enjoyed every minute of our stay.

Now we are down to the last two weeks.

Let me catch you up on what has been going on. I fell in the bathroom of our hotel room on January 1 and ended up going to the ER at the Phoenix VA. After x-rays and an orthopedic consult, they put me in a brace to immobilize my arm.
(In case I didn’t say before, I fractured the right humorous. I go back to the VA tomorrow for x-rays to see how the fracture is healing, hoping for the best. (I am writing this after my Dr. visit and I received very good news.  The Dr. said the bone is still healing, per the x-rays, and that I should continue wearing the brace until I visit with the orthopedic Dr. In normal.)

We haven’t done all the things we wanted to do while here but we have kept plenty busy. We had the pleasure of having dinner with Gordon & Cheryl, friends we met at the VA in Omaha. Steve & Teresa, we worked at Cal-AM with them, we went to dinner and had a great visit. We met Rick & Jana, coworkers from Cal-AM, at the RV Café, a restaurant started by Cal-AM. Had a great visit with them and enjoy their tales of traveling. We were able to get together with Nikki, Jack & Meredith, I worked with Nikki at Ruan. She is a massage therapist and teacher of same here in the Phoenix area. It was great seeing them again and catching up on their lives.

We have not done a lot of sightseeing except for the Mesa Flea Market, South Mountain Park, Wrigley Mansion and the Heard Museum. Also, a ride on the lite rail system.

The Flea Market is, in my opinion, a bunch of stuff you don’t need that is displayed two or three times in each of four long tents a quarter to a third mile long at least. You can find anything and everything in these tents, even things you didn’t know existed.

South Mountain Park is a great place to view the valley from 2,000 feet plus. The road is narrow and winding go up the mountain but a very pretty drive. Coming down there were two guys in front of us on skate boards, they had to hit speeds of 40+ mph, very dangerous. I hope they made it to the bottom safely.

The Wrigley Mansion is an interesting place, http://www.wrigleymansion.com/, the view is phenomenal and the food is great. I enjoy visiting this place.

The Heard Museum is very interesting, http://heard.org/,  was interesting. I will admit I didn’t pay to go through the museum but I looked at everything else. There were a couple of sculptures on the grounds pertaining to Native Americans being in the military, I found those and the writings to go with them to be very enlightening.

Tests today February 17 we went to canyon lake and took a boat ride on the lake on the boat the Dolly, https://dollysteamboat.com.  Canyon lake is one of 4 or 5 lakes in the area and have 20 some miles of shoreline, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canyon_Lake_(Arizona).  But at a small ride is a very seek a ride through one of the canyons on this lake.  After the boat ride, we went into tortilla flats and had lunch.  One of those things on my bucket list was to have prickly pear ice cream and I accomplish that today.

It is supposed to rain this weekend so I doubt that we will do much of anything.  In fact, we are in the process of planning our route home for when we leave a week from tomorrow.  It seems, the Omaha and the entire Midwest has had as good as or some day’s better weather men we have had here in Arizona.

I do have one more bucket list item I want to take care of the four we get home and that is visiting the buffalo soldier’s museum at Fort Huachuca, AZ.

So, we are leaving here a week from tomorrow with a couple stops here and there on our way home.  We should be back in a law by March 6 orbit four.

We have terrible WIFI here in this park and so I hope I will build a sendup this blog, will try.  If it doesn’t work, I’ll wait until I have better WIFI a service and send about them.

Hope all is well with everyone and we will continue this when we get home.

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