has been quite some time since I wrote a blog, to be honest I just haven’t
taken the time and I didn’t feel like there was much to say, but today I will
remedy that.
believe the last time I wrote anything was the last of July. So here goes.
and I had lunch with John and Cindi, we worked with these folks our first year
in Mesa. It is always great seeing them, Cindi is great and John is ornery. We
always have a good time with them.
brother Bill and his wife Mable came to visit for a couple of days. They flew
into Omaha on their way to the Cain reunion in Mitchell, SD. Amy, Sarah’s
niece, put together the reunion, not many came but a great time was had by all.
Cynthia drove Bill and Mable to the reunion and then to a couple of Mable’s
family members. They all returned to Omaha and Bill and Mable flew home from
here. It was great visiting with them. Bill, also, introduced me to a new wine
I had never heard of, I believe it was called Reid, it is a Merlot and very
fifth Sarah and I headed to Beloit, WI to visit Robert, Sarah, Mason and
Madyson. Mason had baseball games on Saturday and Sunday, I wanted to see them
all. There were four games, two each day, and they were all good games. Mason’s
team came in third out of six teams and the teams they played were the
twelve-year-old group, Mason is on the eleven-year-old team. It was a great
9 we started with a Cancer Support Group at the VA. There are only five of us
in the group, two of us have our spouses with us. It is interesting from the
stand point that I haven’t heard some of the things they are talking about and
other topics I am familiar with but this reinforces the ideas with me. We went
around the room and told our story. In my narrative I said that in Vietnam I
drove an ambulance, we would take the wounded off of a plane and transport them
to the Navy hospital or the Marine hospital. One of our members is a retired
Navy corpsman and got on me about calling the Marine base hospital a Marine
hospital, she said there are no such thing as a Marine hospital it is a Navy
hospital. Technically she is correct, but we called it the Marine hospital for
clarification of where the wounded were going. She understands but still
insists we should have called a Navy hospital.
with my new primary care provider, PCP, Dr Berry. Nice young man, most everyone
is younger than me anymore, we had a nice visit. He is the fourth or fifth PCP
I have had since going to the Omaha VA. Only two have left the VA and the
others have taken other positions within the Omaha VA. As one of the ER nurses
told me, once you start at the VA you don’t leave.
of the ER, these are the nicest folks ever. They will do whatever it takes to
make your visit as hassle free as possible. I have yet to meet a person at the
VA here who doesn’t have your best interests at heart. I have yet to have a bad
and Merilee had to bring their new motorhome to Camping World in Council Bluffs
for some warranty work. They stayed with us for a few days until it was done.
We always enjoy their company.
31 I got my monthly treatment of Zometa, this for my bone cancer, and a couple
liters of fluids. It seems I need fluids about every 10 to 14 days, I am told I
get dehydrated from the cancer.
1 we headed out for Burlington with a lunch stop at Mt Pleasant to see Dave and
Shari. I don’t remember the name of the place we had lunch, it is on the Skunk
river south of Mt Pleasant. Anyway the food is fabulous and very reasonable. I
had a tenderloin, one of my favorites, who am I trying to kid, food is one of
my favorites. Dave and I had pie for dessert and it was great, of course we had
ice cream on it. It was good to see Dave and Shari.
were headed to Burlington for my aunt Marcella’s 90 birthday party on Sunday.
The event was held in the community room of the village cooperative of
Burlington my brother and wife live in. It was the perfect place to have the
party, plenty of room and lots of parking outside. There were approximately fifty
people who came to see me aunt in addition to relatives. In fact, there were a
couple people who showed up that I had not seen in 40 plus years. It was a
great time.
doctor has always told me if I felt good go do something. So Sarah and I took
off on the 9th for Carl and Merilee’s in Mitchell, SD for a trip to
Door County, for you that don’t know Door County is in Wisconsin. We left
Saturday morning in their new motorhome and were gone for ten days.
spent the first night in West Salem, WI at a campground, I don’t remember the
name, a nice campground but a bit pricey. We were going to go to church at 7 pm
but when we go there no one was there, I guess they haven’t updated their
website. So we decided to get something to eat. As we were driving through
Bangor, where the church was, we spotted the Village Inn, a local bar and
restaurant. I had prime rib, not too bad, I have had better but still this was
good. I always ask for REAL horseradish not this creamy stuff they normally
serve, usually I get it. I have had one restaurant where I couldn’t get the
real stuff because they didn’t have any. For shame on them.
we went to church and then headed out for Oshkosh, WI and the EAA Museum. We
stayed two nights at the Hickory Oaks campground in Oshkosh. We ate at the
Dockside restaurant that night and you can skip this one if you are ever in
Oshkosh, not very good.
you have never been to the EAA Museum, it is a must see. (A side note. We lived
in Wisconsin for twelve years and didn’t go to the museum. Our boys accuse us
of never taking them anywhere when we lived there. My response is, I didn’t
want to deprive them of the pleasure of seeing all this with their own kids.
That didn’t go over too good with them.) We spent several hours in the museum,
if you want to read all the descriptions of all the items it would take a
couple days to get through all of it.
had a late lunch at Friar Tuck’s, this is a great restaurant we all liked the
food here.
and I like lighthouses. In fact, back in 2001 we all went to Hawaii for our
twenty fifth anniversaries. While on the big island of Hawaii we had a rental
car and were going to go see a macadamia nut factory but when we got there it
was closed, it was January 1, 2001, New Year’s Day, I didn’t even give it a
thought the place would be closed. So we saw on the map that there was
lighthouse a few miles away. We headed toward it not knowing we were going to
go through an area where the local volcano had erupted a few years ago and the
lava flow went right through this area. But we were determined to see the
lighthouse so we continue on not worrying about the road condition because we
had a rental car. When we finally got to the light house it was a big
disappointment. It was nothing but a steel structure like the windmill towers
you see on farms in the Midwest, except instead of blades on top this one had a
light, bummer.
Oshkosh had two lighthouses listed on their map, we headed off to find them.
The first one, Bray’s Point Lighthouse, we found, it wasn’t very big and was
nothing to speak of and it was located in someone’s yard, with no good way to
get to it. Merilee got a picture of it, I never did. The second one, Asylum
Point Lighthouse, we also found but never go to see it. It seems it is on the
grounds of the Winnebago Mental Health Institute. We tried to drive back to the
lighthouse but couldn’t find any road that led to it. So we gave up on trying
to see it.
a couple hours at the shrine we continue our journey to Bailey’s Harbor
campground in Bailey’s Harbor, WI. We got the camper set up, I wasn’t much help
but I did help where I could and stayed out of the way otherwise. For lunch we
went to Bailey’s Cornerstone Pub I believe that is the name. I had their clam
chowder which was very good. Merilee had some walleye and it didn’t sit very
well with her. So we didn’t go back there again.
we were looking for some place for breakfast and one of the Workamper at the
campground, who Carl knew from Whirlpool, it is a small world, said to go to
the Sandpiper restaurant, Great food and plenty of

bought a book so I could say I was there. An interesting tidbit, I read the
lighthouse keeper was paid $600 per year and the assistant was paid $300, this
wage was unchanged for 30 years, I hope they didn’t have to buy their own food.
afternoon we took a boat ride on Lake Michigan to see some more lighthouses and
a sunken ship, As far as the
lighthouses go it was a bust, we weren’t able to tour any of them but it was
neat to see the different types and the sunken ship was a ship that sank just
after the civil war, so there wasn’t much left of it. I enjoyed the boat ride
but I really enjoyed the narrative by the captain. The boat was not very big
twelve passengers and I was sitting up front so I could hear his explanations
and ask questions. It was a good experience.
of the interesting things the captain said was the state of Wisconsin won’t
approve any more permits to build boat docks. So if you buy or build with water
access you won’t be able to build a boat dock. I looked it up and here is the
story on it,
night we wanted pizza and someone told us about Joe Jo’s Pizza and Gelato,,
so off we went in search of this place. Now something happened there that I
have never experienced before. I wear a Vietnam Veterans hat a lot and I had it
on that day. When we went into the restaurant I had it on, but I took it off
when we sat down at the table. We had been there for fifteen minutes or so and
the couple sitting behind us got up to leave and the one lady came over and
asked if I was a Vietnam Veteran, I said yes, and she gave me money to buy a
Gelato. I said that wasn’t necessary but she insisted and so I said thank you.
I admit one of the reasons I wear the hat is so people won’t forget the Vietnam
Veterans, a lot of them didn’t get a very nice welcome when they returned to
the states, I don’t wear it so people buy me meals or deserts. However, when
that happens, if it happens again, I will politely say it isn’t necessary but I
will not argue with the person either. I do get a thank you for your service
now and then and I find it is mostly people under fifty who say that.
Regardless of the reason or circumstances the acknowledgment is greatly appreciated
and I say that for ALL veterans.
Sarah Ann’s, Robert’s wife’s, parents, Dick and Terry, met us in Egg Harbor for
lunch and then we went shopping. After a bit we headed for Fish Harbor for more
shopping. Fish Harbor has a main street that is maybe two or three blocks long
with nothing but shops all of which are unique to the area. Dick and Terry left
a little after five, they had to pick up their dog by six or so.
dinner we went to PC Junction, Bailey’s Harbor, WI,
This place has a train that delivers your meal, if you are seated at the bar. I
understand in the summer time it is near impossible to get a seat at the bar.
The food was good and I did buy a shirt.
next day Friday it was time to pack up and move on. We were headed to Beloit.
Our original plans had us being in Manitowoc, WI to see the Maritime Museum in
They have a WWII submarine there which you can take a tour of, but we decided
to stay another day in Bailey’s Harbor and skip the museum, it turned out to be
a good decision.
were able to get into Pearl Lake campground, This campground does not allow
visitors; I don’t understand that but that is their rule. If you are a scuba
diver or want to be this is the place to go, the lake has an airplane and other
various items in it for divers to dive on.
night Mason’s football team was running onto the field at the varsity football
game. We went to watch and I was surprised the varsity team let the younger
ones run onto the field in front of them. The cost to get in to the game was
$1.00 for old people like me and $3.00 for others. They had a pretty good crowd
but I understand the home team lost.
we went to watch Mason plan football, he is the center and defensive guard. It
was fun to watch him and to see how much better he is from a couple years ago.
couldn’t get into the only full hookup campground I could find in Spring Green
so we went to Lone Rock, WI and the Fireside Campground,
Not a bad campground, the owners are new. The campground is over two hundred
acres and there looks to be a lot of potential.
to church that night in Avoca, WI, at St Joseph Catholic Church. After church
we were hungry so on our way back to the campground we found The Woods, a
bar/restaurant in Lone Rock, WI,
I had prime rib and it was good, but not the best I have ever had.
reason for being in the area was to see The House on the Rock,
I had been there in the 1970’s but no one else had been there so we went to see
it. It has expanded greatly since I last saw it and they have added a couple
new features to the house. It took us over five house to tour the place, I was
beat by the end of the day. I did buy two books, one is a picture book of what
you see throughout the place and the other is about the original owner and how
the house built and the collection of items you see.
walking all day, I was beat. I said I wanted two drinks with my dinner. We
stopped at Arthur’s Supper Club,
I had the special, a Turkey dinner with the trimmings. I also ordered a whiskey
old fashion, it was very good. So I ordered another one. The server brought the
second drink and a few minutes later a third drink. She said they made two by
mistake, I got three for the price of two, not a bad ending to a tiring day.
we got up and headed for Mitchell. We got there around seven, unloaded the
camper, ordered pizza for dinner and went to bed.
Amy and son Jasper came to the house and we all loaded into her van to go to
breakfast. We went to the American Legion. They have a big building, with dart
tournaments and bingo, looks to be a very active group.
you Merilee and Carl for the great time traveling with you.
and I headed for Omaha about ten and got home by two thirty.
was Eli’s sixth birthday so we went to lunch with them at the Red Robyn, it was
a good time.
going into a lot of detail we are going to Mesa, AZ for January and February
2017. I have a few things to work out with the VA here and in Phoenix but the
oncology case manager said it is all doable, so we are going for it. We have
rented a place at Good Life RV Resort in Mesa and we hope to see a lot of the
people we knew when we were there before.
guess I have rambled on for too long, that is what happens when I don’t write
for such a long time.
commercial, please ask you friends and acquaintances to donate to my GoFundMe
account so we can buy some more t-shirts for the veterans undergoing
chemotherapy here at the Omaha VA, Thank you.
you for all the prayers and support you have given me in the past and I ask for
your continued prayers.
later, take care and safe travels.