There were two buses waiting for the train at street level and they were crowded to the point of us standing the twenty minute ride, four miles, but with stop and go traffic it took a while to get to our stop. When we got off the bus we were three blocks from the ballpark. The day was beautiful so the walk was very nice. We were smart enough to eat at a Subway outside the park, inside the food is very expensive as most of you know. We got to our seats about fifteen minutes before the game began, the seats were better than I thought they would be. Wrigley Field has pillars, it is an old park for those of you who have never been there, these pillars can be a nuisance by blocking your view at times. We were far enough behind and to one side of the pillar in front of us that it didn’t bother us at all. Our seats were high enough so we had a good view of the action on the field. The Cardinals scored first and were ahead by four runs before we knew it and I figured the Cubs were going to add another lose to their record, but in the ninth inning they tied the game and were able to win it in the tenth inning. A perfect way to end a great afternoon.
Except the afternoon wasn’t over yet, our train didn’t leave until 8:30 pm so we walked about four blocks or so south of Wrigley to a restaurant called Leona’s, a great choice. We had our fill there and then began our walk back toward Wrigley. All of the bars along the way were packed with folks enjoying the Cub victory. Actually, I believe they would have been enjoying themselves regardless if the Cubs won or not. We bought a couple of t-shirts at a shop close to the ballpark, I found a shirt I really liked but I refuse to pay $45 for a t-shirt.
We made our way back up to Irving Park and Clark to wait for our bus back to the train station. We arrived at the station about a half hour before the train was to leave so we had a bit of a wait. Once the train arrived we boarded and was back in Harvard by 10:30 pm. The little ones were hungry, well so were the big ones, so we found a McDonalds and had an ice cream. Sarah and I got home about 12;30 am, a long day but a great one. Thank you Robert for getting everything together.
Saturday Sarah and I didn’t do much, some laundry, reading and went to church in the evening. Then yesterday we did about the same, nothing. Today we are with Mason and Madyson while Sarah and Robert are at work. It is fun being with them, they have so much energy and imagination, I hope they never lose either.
Here are a couple of pictures I lifted from Sarah Ann’s Facebook page.
Sarah and I have been planning on wintering in AZ this coming winter and were pretty much set on Casa Grande but an opportunity presented itself and we will be workamping at Cal-AM Mesa Regal RV Park,, this is one of nine parks. We will work 4 hours a day, three days a week. We are looking forward to saving some money and meeting new people. We are also looking into a couple of opportunities for next summer, more about that as we can finalize something.
That’s if for now, remember Dreams Do Come True.