Here it is the middle of May already, this year is flying by
but all is good.
After we got back from our trip east we had a few doctor
appointments. I was first with my eye doctor appt. They did their thing and
said I had a very slight change in my vision and the doctor said I didn’t need
to get new glasses unless I wanted to, I decided to wait.
The next day it was my turn to go to my primary care
physician, PCP, I had never met her yet. She gave me the once over, nice lady,
and (hang on Sarah wants me to go for a walk, I’ll be back in 30 or so), ok now
I’m back. Walked a little over a mile. Back to my commentary, the doctor
refilled all my scripts for the next year and said call if I need anything.
Then it was Sarah’s turn. She had her mammogram on a Monday
and saw her oncologist the next day. These were new locations for her, it took
us a bit of time to find the mammogram place but we finally did and I am here
to tell you it had the best Wifi of all the places we have been to. The
oncologist was new to Sarah, Dr Lemon, nice guy. His PA saw Sarah first and
asked a million questions and then the doctor came in and did his thing. Sarah
was comfortable with the visit and that is important for her to feel
comfortable with the doctor.
We went to Wisconsin the first weekend in May. Mason had a tournament
on May 2 in Marshall. We lived in Marshall for about thirteen years, the kids
grew up there so it is home to them. Mason played two games on the first
diamond the boys played little league on many years ago. It was fun to see the
town and the changes they have made since we lived there. We got to visit with
Jack & Bel but ran out of time to call and see anyone else. I am sure we
will be there again so we will get hold of others we know there.
On the way home we stopped in Ames, IA for the night. It was
Tiffany & Matt’s anniversary so we all went out to dinner. Alexa got to go
swimming at the hotel and we had a great visit.
Tuesday we stopped to see Cynthia and then went to lunch
with Laurie, Marci and Marie all of whom I worked with at Marsh. We had a great
visit and it is always good to see them.
We didn’t have time to see anyone else so we will make a
trip to Des Moines to do that in June.
I had to get my port flushed, it is supposed to be down
every six weeks, so I went to the VA to get it done. It took about twenty
minutes and I was out of there.
Ernie & Shirley invited us to join them and their kids
for Mother’s Day lunch at the Bohemian Café, We had
never been there so we joined them. What great food and the portions are huge.
We had a great time visiting with everyone, although I didn’t get to visit with
the kids as much as I should have but we will see them again.
Monday night we had dinner with John & Cindi, they had
just had their kitchen counter, back splash and floor redone and we wanted to
see it. McKean’s did the work and they did a magnificent job. So Sarah and I
went to McKean’s,, to see
what they had. What they have is a showroom with every type of floor,
counter top and back splash you would want. Our house has about a four inch rise
off the counter and we want a regular type back splash so we are going to get it
done. Don’t know when but sometime this year.
As some of you remember I broke a front tooth on our trip
east. My dental appt is the first week in June and I am dreading it. I want to
get the root pulled and some type of replacement tooth but I do not like going
to the dentist and with the hot flashes and frequent trips to the bathroom I am
going to tell the dentist put me under and do whatever you have to do. We’ll
see what the VA policies are for this, should be interesting.
June is my month for seeing the urologist, oncologist, blood
work and my shot so I will be poked, prodded and pricked.
Until later.